I have come across a book "Who killed health care" by Regina Herzlinger .Regina is a Professor in Harvard Business School and has covered various aspects of health care as well as health insurance industry in that country (USA).It is good to know that India is mentioned at various places in this book ,where health care of good level at a fraction of USA costs is possible.
If you are connected with Health Care,Insurance,Health Insurance industry then this book is a must for you.I forsee many things which had happened in USA will happen in India also over a period of time.
It is time for us to take corrective steps itself so that health care of poor people is not affected in the time to come .I know many poor people of Karol Bagh ,New Delhi who used to get treatment in Jessa Ram Hospital courtesy great Bhatia Family ,who were the trustees of this hospital.This hospital provided health care to Karol Bagh residents at practically no cost or fraction of the cost.Then this hospital became a part of leading hospital chain.Rates have gone up to market level.People remember Bhatia family.Hundreds of Bhatia's are needed to set up hospitals for those who are below the poverty line.
Regina has predicted that more and more US citizens will travel to India & Thailand for treatment.I wish beds are not made available to these foreigners at cost of Indian patients.It is time to add more and more hospitals ,medical collleges,nursing colleges in India.If the hospitality industry plans for hotel rooms and starts working towards the same we should also have a plan to add large number of hospital beds in next 5 years or 10 years.
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